botbrs you think of when...
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 29 Mixist
post #166340 :: 2023.01.27 8:11am
  Delita, cabbage drop, nitrofurano, big lumby, Bravoman, Thingerthing and kleeder liēkd this
while i was playing slapspark mini, today i was thoughted:
are there any botbrs you think of when doing smth specific, eg playing a certain level or driving a certain road?

for me:
the stage "castle wall" in outrun 2006 makes me always think of castlenes
the slapspark mini 3rd level with all those green walls always makes me think of maximemoring bc i told him to try it and he complained abt the green walls
every danm airport i encounter irl makes me think of karl/kgb for sum reason
driving on chapman (big crazy street near mine livings) makes me think of keffie

what abt you guys? or am i just crazy???
Level 20 Chipist
post #166341 :: 2023.01.27 8:16am :: edit 2023.01.27 8:21am
  mirageofher liēkd this
every time I try to do more midi music I think of this song non-stop from asikwu, its been so catchy that i barely listen to the song but I still remember all of it. and making midi music just reminds me of it so it ends up influencing me more times than not.
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #166342 :: 2023.01.27 8:24am
  Thingerthing, nitrofurano, kilowatt64, mirageofher and Bravoman liēkd this
you're crazy, but most importantly you're right

i'll be working some days out at the parks and see this red hawk, doing things like eating prey or just...standing there; whenever i see it or a flock of pigeons from downtown bay view i go i wonder what opm's been up to lately

pharmacies and cafes now make me a bit sadder because vav's music isn't playing through their speakers

spring's bloom makes me think of...well, spring. i wonder how they're doing nowadays, it's been a while since i've seen them - maximemoring, too.

there's others i'm forgetting atm but it'll probably come to me at a later date
Level 28 Chipist
post #166358 :: 2023.01.27 1:25pm
  mirageofher, hanna and Thingerthing liēkd this
things that are remotely 70s makes me think of mootbooxle. i guess it must be the 'could have been in the osmonds' look

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