BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Chipist
post #164925 :: 2022.12.25 12:53pm :: edit 2022.12.25 2:41pm
  DBOYD, doctorn0gloff and damifortune liēkd this
Since 2005 I have been organizing/co-organizing/curating/whatever a freakish and delightful, almost annual holiday music compilation.
This year, our 13th installment has exceeded expectations (to say nothing of the fact that I was expressly "Not doing it this year")

Since I not only think it has good songs, but also includes BotBrs (including some ZX Spectrum Beeper from Damifortune, a Chimeratio and Cryptovolans crossover track, Watabou who hasn't posted here since 2013, and me remixing my distant past self) I am PROMOTING it here. Amazing!
If you like it, also consider checking out past offerings! Extreme diversions in genre from track to track, anything goes and has gone. (Also fun to scavenger hunt what songs are attached to past and current BotBrs)

Anyway, happy gosh dang holidays, stay safe and well, and see you next year!!!


(old link wasnt working for some reason, Dami is correct)
Level 31 Chipist
post #164926 :: 2022.12.25 1:42pm :: edit 2022.12.25 3:53pm
  doctorn0gloff liēkd this
it might just be my phone being wacky but i am not sure if the URL is working! here is the URL according to my Sources 🕵️‍♂️

edit: fixed yay

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