having fun with LowRes NX
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 29 Chipist
post #164747 :: 2022.12.20 3:29pm
  Luigi64 and Quirby64 liēkd this
i tried LowRes NX a bit - it's a fantasy console just like Tic-80, Pico-8, etc., but uses basic language instead - the whole .nx format is a .txt format

what i tried up to now:
- https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=2773
- https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=2772
- https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=2766
- https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=2761
- https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=2758

so, as far more botbrs here would enjoy trying it as well, perhaps this would create some room for a new battle format, like "LowRes NX", or even "allfantasyconsoles" (that would include all floss fantasy consoles around, like Liko-12, atto, BrainFxxxConsole74, Bitsy, and etc.) or "allcoding" (that would include whatever related to floss coding as well, like processing.js, shoebot, nodebox, etc. )

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