love famicom multicarts! and odd bootleg/homebrew stuff, wanna see stuff of these u like! here one comes to mind:
Super Boy I. MSX
was originally thinkin about this port of super mario for a korean snes https://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=86773#Post86773 it has a charming version of overworld theme but havent found an up video to post here
curious 4 reading bout ones u share!!!
Super Boy I. MSX
was originally thinkin about this port of super mario for a korean snes https://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=86773#Post86773 it has a charming version of overworld theme but havent found an up video to post here
curious 4 reading bout ones u share!!!