Level 29 Hostist
post #153730 ::
2022.03.15 6:34pm :: edit 2022.03.19 5:22pm
amelia, skydev, HefkamazeR, raphaelgoulart, argarak, Sinc-X, kleeder, damifortune, sleeparrow, hanna, azurglade and Lincent liēkd this
Cryptovolans hæitd this
amelia, skydev, HefkamazeR, raphaelgoulart, argarak, Sinc-X, kleeder, damifortune, sleeparrow, hanna, azurglade and Lincent liēkd this
Cryptovolans hæitd this
Since folks like to think that both pixels are drawing and that drawing can be pixels I've decided they are redundant. Not only that, but I'm sick of arguing and bickering and fighting about freedom and chastity and bondage and anarchy. Your favorite catchall format VISUALL is still there for you.
Draw pixels or pixel draw or whatever: VISUALL
Draw pixels or pixel draw or whatever: VISUALL