i shared it at botb discord (#codez_prograrming), and forgot to share it here
and finally i uploaded it to a temporary git url: https://notabug.org/nitrofurano/vgm2vortextracker/src/master/microtonalcsvvgmtracker (i need to get it better arranged soon)
the idea was, at first, trying to do some experiments that would work as a kind of experimental and embryonic "tracker", but as i didn't yet code a kind of tracker interface for it, i chose to use csv format instead (from whatever spreadsheet editor, as i were using an old gnumeric version), and tried to use the microtonal potential that chips supported from vgm format has
for the csv format i got inspired from klangfreude format (it needs to be improved, i want to have it even closer, so we could convert ktfm format into csv and use that) - besides of this, notes can be used like "h440", "(9/12)+4" and "a-4+.0" - such flexibility was for easing the conversion from other formats, like famitracker (txt), openmpt (clipboard), vortextracker (txt), etc.
for now it is "supporting" the chips: ay-3-8910 (x1, x2, x4, x8), c03051 ("pokey" - x1, x2), huc6280 ("pcengine" - x1, x2 ), k051649 ("scc" - x1, x2), k052539 ("scc+" - x1, x2), rp2c33 ("gameboy" - x1, x2), saa1099 ("sam coupé" - x1,x2), sn76489 ("sms" - x1, x2), ym2151 ("x68000" - x1, x2), ym2612 ("megadrive" - x1, x2)
as this "project" is mostly an experience - trying to show how possible and "easy" could be coding vgm editors somehow, supporting a wide range of chips (more than from deflemask for now, i guess?) - and everyone is all welcome to fork and improve it, to a true tracker, something else, and etc.
for that i was using sdlbasic from bash, scripts that converts csv values containing frequencies and volumes into chip register values - i tried to code them simple enough for anyone that might want to recode them to another language, like python, c, etc.
and finally i uploaded it to a temporary git url: https://notabug.org/nitrofurano/vgm2vortextracker/src/master/microtonalcsvvgmtracker (i need to get it better arranged soon)
the idea was, at first, trying to do some experiments that would work as a kind of experimental and embryonic "tracker", but as i didn't yet code a kind of tracker interface for it, i chose to use csv format instead (from whatever spreadsheet editor, as i were using an old gnumeric version), and tried to use the microtonal potential that chips supported from vgm format has
for the csv format i got inspired from klangfreude format (it needs to be improved, i want to have it even closer, so we could convert ktfm format into csv and use that) - besides of this, notes can be used like "h440", "(9/12)+4" and "a-4+.0" - such flexibility was for easing the conversion from other formats, like famitracker (txt), openmpt (clipboard), vortextracker (txt), etc.
for now it is "supporting" the chips: ay-3-8910 (x1, x2, x4, x8), c03051 ("pokey" - x1, x2), huc6280 ("pcengine" - x1, x2 ), k051649 ("scc" - x1, x2), k052539 ("scc+" - x1, x2), rp2c33 ("gameboy" - x1, x2), saa1099 ("sam coupé" - x1,x2), sn76489 ("sms" - x1, x2), ym2151 ("x68000" - x1, x2), ym2612 ("megadrive" - x1, x2)
as this "project" is mostly an experience - trying to show how possible and "easy" could be coding vgm editors somehow, supporting a wide range of chips (more than from deflemask for now, i guess?) - and everyone is all welcome to fork and improve it, to a true tracker, something else, and etc.
for that i was using sdlbasic from bash, scripts that converts csv values containing frequencies and volumes into chip register values - i tried to code them simple enough for anyone that might want to recode them to another language, like python, c, etc.