opm have been here an ENTIRE YEAR?????

2021-04-08 13:32:35

2021-04-08 15:56:34

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Level 30 Chipist
post #139999 :: 2021.04.07 6:42am
  sean, Nes, Tilde, big lumby, Jakerson and kleeder liēkd this
Thank yooooou keffie
Much love to you and kleeder alike
Level 28 Chipist
post #140032 :: 2021.04.07 8:36pm
  OminPigeonMaster and Nes liēkd this
looking forward to unleashing feral chips in honor of the most prolific bird (bird master?) on this website
Level 30 Chipist
post #140089 :: 2021.04.08 1:26pm
:::::::::) Thanks Bubble, fm stands for feral modulation >:)
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #140092 :: 2021.04.08 1:35pm
  doctorn0gloff and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
without opm i wouldn't be here and also i wouldn't be as social as i am today and also he got me BACK into muzaking and INTO ODD TIME SIGS AND FM WHAT THE FUCK HAPPY BURF OPM YOU CRAZY LAD :D/
Level 31 Chipist
post #140097 :: 2021.04.08 2:04pm
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
THANK YOU opm (i am also reading the bitpack and i posted some stuff on his profile earlier but he definitely was a big part of making this community feel special when i arrived in july of last year)
Level 12 Mixist
post #140098 :: 2021.04.08 2:12pm
  OminPigeonMaster, Lincent and big lumby liēkd this
This is so wholesome and touching! Must be amazing for opm to have a battle in his name, damn I'm quite busy.

Opm has showed interest in my music and it's people like opm that makes me feel like I have improved and that I should keep doing what I love.

Just in general good vibes, thanks for being you!
Level 30 Chipist
post #140100 :: 2021.04.08 3:33pm
  hanna, dungy, kleeder, big lumby and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
I don't even know what to say honestly. I've only been here a year and its the most beautiful community I've ever found.

I love this place to bits (pun originally not intended there) and all you awesome guys, gals and vombot in it.

Seriously though, thank you so much. Today has been such a day. This place means a lot to me and so do ye all.

And that bitpack aaaa the feels!! This place is a team effort between all of us, and Im happy it's so.

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