the "ptcollab inaugural BEAT-OFF"

2020-10-16 14:01:30

2020-10-16 22:36:13

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Level 8 Playa
post #128441 :: 2020.10.15 10:02am
  Jakerson, hanna, xterm and Tilde liēkd this
I swear to god I just saw the title and immediately thought "yeah this is Keffie", and I was right x3
Level 0 n00b
Ewan Green
post #128467 :: 2020.10.16 11:04am
  now_its_dark liēkd this
you can also add .ogg files as samples
Level 20 Mixist
post #128470 :: 2020.10.16 11:40am
hi I am posting additional tips from ewan because he could not figure out how to comment again:

I know keffie knows what they're doing, but to those brand new to the software here are a few more things to note:
- you can also add .ogg files as samples
- you can go into the "unit" tab and select multiple units with ctrl + click or shift + click in order to view multiple channels at once while in the "keyboard" tab
- the "volume panel" at the bottom of the screen in the "unit" and "keyboard" tabs lets you control velocity, panning, volume, portamento, group no. for effects, etc.. you can select the thing you want to change with the respectively titled bars on the left side of the panel.
- "key porta" can be used for actual portamentos, vibrato, and much more if you're handy enough - you can do this by turning multiple individual notes into one by using the little purple & orange bar thing and clicking + dragging over the desired notes as if making a new one; the length of the latest registry in "key porta" determines how long it takes for the note to transition
- "group no." is used by the "effector" window to specify which units get the effect or not
- you can copy + paste by using "Copy Meas" under Edit in the menu bar, or select with the long green bar at the top in the unit & keyboard tabs and using ctrl + c/v. with the second method you can use the "copy option" window to specify what you want to copy if not every aspect.
- there's another software (ptCollab) made by sidedishes that lets you do online collaboration, but it has a very different layout from ptCollage. to go into detail on the differences would probably take a long time, but it's not too hard to figure it out by yourself. you can find it at, i recommend the latest release
thats all i think

also note that entries to this compo might become demo tracks for ptcollab which just had its first big release (congrats to sidedishes). ptcollab has a cool secret extra feature where you can quantize the pitch to do quarter tones etc. so you should think about using it if that's your thing -jax
Level 32 Chipist
post #128472 :: 2020.10.16 11:41am
ewan: you cant bump a comment thread before a certain level, you could edit your comment to add more info c:
Level 0 n00b
Ewan Green
post #128473 :: 2020.10.16 11:44am :: edit 2020.10.16 1:11pm
oh well now i can comment, maybe theres a cooldown or something that i dont know about...
you can also deviate from traditional tones in ptcollage by using the "key correct" thing in the volume panel, simply add a registry any number other than 1.00000 (1 is the default)

thanks for posting my thing jax
also thanks for the intel kleeder
Level 16 Mixist
post #128476 :: 2020.10.16 12:15pm
Just wanted to add a tiny thing - if you're interested in using this recent fan editor ptcollab, it's available here:
Level 4 Mixist
post #128477 :: 2020.10.16 12:27pm
  hanna liēkd this
I think this may be the moment that I begin to do things on this website
Level 0 n00b
Ewan Green
post #128480 :: 2020.10.16 1:14pm
lol me too... when i first heard about this i didn't really give it any thought more than "ah, i'll get destroyed" but seeing as how i have 4 hours this might turn out ok
Level 27 Chipist
Yung Gotenks
post #128482 :: 2020.10.16 1:37pm
I kinda hate pxtone's ui but ill try to participate in this
Level 0 n00b
Ewan Green
post #128483 :: 2020.10.16 1:48pm
really? i love pxtone's ui... there are a few big flaws but in my opinion they aren't too detrimental
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #128486 :: 2020.10.16 2:45pm
  ArcOfDream liēkd this
damn all the pxtone musicians coming out for this
Level 4 Mixist
post #128494 :: 2020.10.16 5:47pm
oh heck
I'll resubmit
Level 31 Chipist
post #128495 :: 2020.10.16 5:54pm
  hanna liēkd this
spent too much time learning to use ptcollab this time to have something worth submitting, but i really hope there'll be more of these!!
Level 22 Chipist
post #128496 :: 2020.10.16 6:05pm :: edit 2020.10.16 6:17pm
Goodness, that was super fun and the program is def cool, but quirky. I hope they add a playhead in the next version :)

.. oh I was using the old version, a lot of the files weren't playing so I checked out the new one. There is a playhead argh!
Level 20 Mixist
post #128498 :: 2020.10.16 6:31pm
keffie come do the results pls
Level 2 Mixist
post #128499 :: 2020.10.16 7:50pm
lol beat-off

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