remember! whoever completes an entry from every single format gets the b00daw cup. will b00daw get the b00daw cup? hopefully before the soccer game! nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Winter Chip \o/ \o/
One thing though: tiny modules are cool but 8kb and 16kb are rather close to each other in terms of size limit, imho. Can't we drop one of them and add 48kb like last year?
8k and 16k XM is the worst ever. we wont notice much difference between those two. last year with 48k and 8k was much better and more distinct! and i won't have time to redo my 48k down to 16k entry this year due to several events =P
yikes, the voting times, that'll be tough!
VOTEPACK, pls, and chip vote pack for gai nets(maybe even non official ogg votepack for really gai and crappy net users?!)
awww ;(
or anyone else can do a pack and upload to somewhere and put it in here plz???? since im sure puke7 probably is busy or whatever and will not appear with the link :((((((
Drat, didn't finish voting:( Oh well, great tracks everyone:D If I enter the next winter chip, I think I'm definitely gonna step up my game and submit more entries
you guys rule.
continue to trash the silly trackers and music tools you use, and do the weird styles! <3
congrats all, but specially us the listeners :D
. . . just wanted to let everyone know -- The cassettes will be 76 minutes each with 75 tracks total. Still need to fuss with matching levels and final order! ;D/
The double CD and the double cassette release will cost $10 each plus shipping and handlings. Side A is done. I will most likely finish sides B and C today, it's my day off. That leaves side D and the layout for the inserts which will be made easier with some code. I've already been writing bits of code to help me organize the effort. And sorry it has taken me so long to get this far, but at first glance the compilation appeared rather impossible. There were a lot of hard decisions about what goes and what stays (it has less than half of the tracks submitted). The whole thing will be available for download on bandcamp upon release - I was thinking of having it for free for the first 7 days and then asking for a minimum $2.50 donation for each disc's worth thereafter. :D/