BotB Advent Calendar 2020 Battle Type Poll
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 31 Chipist
post #127693 :: 2020.09.29 3:36pm :: edit 2020.09.30 1:34am
  argarak liēkd this
Hello again!
I asked you a week ago, which battle type/organiszation you'd prefer for the Advent Calendar 2020. Link

I collected all the ideas now (including my own preferred one) and created a strawpoll!
The possible options are:

1) Major Battle - I talked about this with puke7 and he approved the idea. In case this one gets the most votes, he'll even try to optimize the battle engine for the advent calendar! Entry period for every format would be 24 hours. (Edit: By that, i mean it'd be one big battle with changing format every day. NOT 24 battles for every day)

2) A Mix of OHB/2HB/4HB depending on the format - starting at 10PM UTC every day. Rare formats would be hosted as OHBs. I'm using this thread as a reference btw for format selection.

3) 4HBs only - starting at 10PM UTC every day. My personal fav, but most likely a big boon loss at the end xD

4) OHBs only - starting at 10PM UTC every day (the same procedure as every year). Vav and lumby actually hate changes and want everything to stay as it was in the past years!

Here's the link to the poll:
(Please only vote one time, be fair, thank you!)
Level 31 Chipist
post #127755 :: 2020.10.01 1:46am
  big lumby liēkd this
I think we have enough votes and waiting any longer will just make planning more complicated.
You can check the results here (as long as noone fucks them up later by trollvoting):

I also saved the results in the webarchive. It might take some time until the page is available, but it's saved, trust me.

23 Votes total!
Rank 1) Major Battle (13 Votes) 57%
Rank 2) Mix of OHB/2HB/4HB (7 Votes) 30%
Rank 3) 4HBs only (2 Votes) 9%
Rank 4) OHBs only (1 Vote) 4%

I think the winner is clear, and having 2 or 3 more votes won't change anything at this point. In other words: It will be a major battle!

We (puke7 and me (mostly puke tho)) will try to get everything to work with the current battle engine within the next two months. In case we end up in a dead end for whatever reason and this can't be hosted as a major battle, I will make it a mix of OHB/2HB/4HB!

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