Make an EP in a Week Challenge!!! (27th April - 4th May)
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Chipist
post #119714 :: 2020.04.25 6:36pm
  Tilde, Jakerson, Xaser, argarak, Quirby64, kleeder and petet liēkd this
1.Minimum of 15 minute/4 tracks, and an absolute maximum of 30 minutes (aim around the 20-25 mark).
2.For this challenge, you may only use songs that were originally part of one hour battles. Additionally, they must be battles that occurred on or after the 27th.
You can tweak the tracks to your heart's content; fully develop what you've written.
3. EP's got to have artwork. You can draw it, take a picture, etc. As long as it's got something visual and for everyone's eyes.

Additional Info
1. Battles will be hosted daily (I'll make sure of that)! Look at the timestamp details for more info on times.

2.The EP can be private, so long as the links work.

Challenge Start and End Date

27th April - 4th May
4th May 12:00 GMT Time will be the deadline! Send a link to your Soundcloud/YouTube/Bandcamp EP on this page, before then.

Use the time before the start date to meditate/think of a theme for your EP, if you want it to have one.

Choosing a Winner
After the time has concluded, a poll will be opened where the EP's will then be rated. Try and give your fellow Botbr a thorough listen of their EP, then use the poll to rate it a 1 to 7.

A new bulletin will be made for the purpose of voting, within 24 hours of the submission period ending. Look out for it, during the 4th May!

The person declared winner shalt be rewarded 560 boons by Kleeder the Great, royal Vizier of Sultan Puke.

This is a list of times that a battle will likely be hosted each day, by myself. To reconfirm, you can use a tune from any ohb, providing it's after the challenge start date.
3pm/4pm GMT 60% Chance
8pm GMT 70% Chance
1am/2am GMT 50% Chance
The battles will be in allgear, so anyone can get involved, though the tech you use for this challenge is your own decision.
If a battle is going on during one of these timestamps, I may still potentially host immediately after.

This isn't so much a competition; more a chance to show each other our work, and get into a practice of developing tracks made for one hour battles (and having fun : D).
Level 25 Chipist
post #119760 :: 2020.04.26 10:54am
  Zillah, Xyz, VinsCool and YQN liēkd this
im interested but i also have the attention span of a carrot
Level 13 Chipist
post #119763 :: 2020.04.26 12:19pm
i will do this
Level 30 Chipist
post #119771 :: 2020.04.26 7:02pm
  Quirby64 and wednesday liēkd this
Lucky that carrots taste good!

But ya, hope ye decide to get involved Quirby :D. I also have a tendency to move onto new things pretty fast, after I deem something finished-even if it could be improved.

Awesome Wednesday :D
Level 31 Chipist
post #119943 :: 2020.05.02 5:41pm
well.... i have a "good" amount of entries submitted to ohbs in the past week, but no time at all to polish them and prepare a proper release. i'd only need like 1 extra day, so thats why im posting the ep on may 5th, even if this doesnt count as part of the challenge anymore
Level 30 Chipist
post #119955 :: 2020.05.03 9:11am
  kleeder liēkd this
hmm, twas thinking about this scenario for a few days. I think if you manage to send it before the voting ends I could make a poll, but I'd have to limit the number of points it could get with a time penalty on your score.
Level 10 Mixist
post #119957 :: 2020.05.03 1:12pm
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
Yo! Making an EP like this is kinda cool, but I was too late with joining so I don't have enough OHBs done. Looking forward to hearing you guys' works though!
Level 29 Chipist
post #119961 :: 2020.05.03 2:17pm
heres the link to my ep:
its funny, before i got into botb, i had made a similar album, following the same premise of music made in an hour. so i suppose this ep is like, the spiritual successor to that hehe
Level 30 Chipist
post #119963 :: 2020.05.03 4:10pm
Link to my EP:

Woo, awesome Sean :D Then this challenge was definitely not in vain!
Level 27 Chipist
post #120004 :: 2020.05.05 8:22am :: edit 2020.05.05 8:22am
Level 31 Chipist
post #120005 :: 2020.05.05 8:29am
alright. over 1 and a half day too late.
damn, why did you do this in literally my busiest week 2020 until now xD

thanks to vombot for the ep-name:

this features 6 of my ohb entries:
1. Intro (entry.mp3)
2. Big Adventure (panning_adv.mp3, adventure.ftm, pls hold the line.ftm)
3. Disallow Muffins (Disallow Muffins.nsf)
4. Quarantine Groove (quarantine groove.bin)

not enough time to actually polish all the tracks, but i added some variations, bugfixes and some new parts here and there. i also tried my best to make transitions between tracks less abrupt (but failed...?)

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