i made a ep in a day o.o
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 24 Mixist
post #119468 :: 2020.04.20 12:58am
  Quirby64, petet, tennisers, Robyn and kleeder liēkd this
i never thuoght to post about my outside music on the inside of teh site, but everyone else seems 2 be doing it and i like to be normal. its called heartdoxxing
and its a bunch of really short pop songs. i also put an compilation album
out at christmas thats a bunch of cleaned up OHBs and some others stuff and some dumb joaks from sounmdclouid.com. but yeah. im going to try to be on this website more often so if youre doing an all gear one hour battle direct message me on discord.com
Level 24 Chipist
post #119474 :: 2020.04.20 1:12am
  azurglade liēkd this
sounmd cloud
Level 21 Criticist
post #120142 :: 2020.05.08 7:24am
wait that's your account?
Level 25 Chipist
post #120153 :: 2020.05.08 10:46am
hey i really liked this! last track was my favorite :D
if i had cash money id pay for it i swear, good stuff 8)

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