8-Bit/Fakebit album Retro World
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 12 Mixist
post #116177 :: 2019.12.16 1:55pm
Check out my 8-bit/fakebit album Retro World on Spotify. I have a lot to learn but I do feel like I am on the right path. Album art is made by someone calling himself Mr Snake, it's been a really good collaboration and it has been rewarding to learn that an online collaboration works, it's my first collaboration. His Twitter is @0070_gabriel, check him out ;).

Level 17 Chipist
DCT Master
post #116183 :: 2019.12.17 6:29am
  peshti liēkd this
Seems like your page is merged with another artist (unless you uploaded non chip stuff earlier) you might want to let distrokid know.
Level 12 Mixist
post #116184 :: 2019.12.17 7:59am
  DCT Master liēkd this
Thanks :). I have actually uploaded non chip music earlier so my page is not merged with another artist.

Thanks for your concern though :).

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