Level 10 Chipist
zanzans laptop
post #111775 ::
2019.06.21 2:42am
sc, ipi, AutisticApple, ovrthrustr, Salsaraujo, b00daw, Quirby64, Savestate, Xyz, Dimeback, petet, Baron Knoxburry, Chip Champion, MKSTAR26, zygrunt and MandraSigma liēkd this
sc, ipi, AutisticApple, ovrthrustr, Salsaraujo, b00daw, Quirby64, Savestate, Xyz, Dimeback, petet, Baron Knoxburry, Chip Champion, MKSTAR26, zygrunt and MandraSigma liēkd this
i am a chiptune doofus from back when we didn't think the term was stupid, whose ego can no longer take music competition. my old account won a hell of a lot of tincans giggle. ANYWAY i made a video game!!! click this if you want to play it: Greyknurl Diahaze
it's a puzzle game for turn-based thinkers with some simple 8-bit music. im proud of teh systems and puzzles and settings, please have fun with it! you can play it in yr browser likely with no download necessary at all and it doesn't cost a thing. zzzv
it's a puzzle game for turn-based thinkers with some simple 8-bit music. im proud of teh systems and puzzles and settings, please have fun with it! you can play it in yr browser likely with no download necessary at all and it doesn't cost a thing. zzzv