Critera for lyceum edits.
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 23 Renderist
post #12259 :: 2010.02.27 4:28pm
Should there be a critera for what to edit of a lyceum article? (yes!) This only so that our edits don't get redone at a later time, hrmmmmm, yarg!

Peer reviewed? but who and how? what could be acceptable changes regarding layout/organization of articles. What should be added or valid for a tracker article or even what should not be there?

So that we work under a somewhat alike philosophy/criteria.
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #12382 :: 2010.03.06 4:41pm
As a crazy substitute for peer reviewing, maybe BotBrs should take a survey (that they could retake at anytime). It could say, for example, how familiar they are with the XM format, how well they can use certain methods of composing, etc.

Then, we could create a tagging system. An editor could only choose from a certain amount of tags. Each tag would be associated with something in the survey.

So, if someone created an article on an XM tracker, with the tags "XM", "module", and "tracker", then BotBrs who are experienced with XM trackers and/or modules in general would be notified of a new article/change through either the message box or the non-functioning mail system.

Just some weird ass-idea I thought of off the back of my head. :X
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #12400 :: 2010.03.07 1:40pm
Lyceum still needs a bunch of work. All edits are saved separately. You can view them in the Article History by clicking on the edit note, it's a link. If someone really does trash a good article it should be simple to manually delete the edit in the database. Other than that, we have to wait until some motivation comes the Lyceum's way. :P
Level 28 Chipist
post #12502 :: 2010.03.10 7:14am
i digg must of your criteria, but your just pureness chavista sometimes! JAJAJAJA....

we can do it the way we are doing with the "tracker list". and give the ppl just the important information, not little detils and stuff...

As baron said, yah, the lyceum still need work and for that, botb need's moar domations or a way to earn money to save the page and pay the admin some bill so he can buy waffles!
Level 23 Renderist
post #12511 :: 2010.03.10 3:10pm :: edit 2010.03.10 3:48pm
hmmm, we need to define the purpose of the lyceum. I want it not to be something wikipedia like, and to have its own spirit and voice.

Also, it's pointless to have ALL musical tools on the lyceum. (specially those live stuff thingies for the ds...among others) (again, reference to wikipedia, which we've already surpased given the original content).

I'd also like a theory category, talking about different scales (arabian, ukranian, and so on), time signatures, arps (if there's more to it than what's already on the Arps's lyceum article) as well as tracker tricks.

Though most of that paragraph would need to be done by people who know those well enough, not by n00bs. x_x

EDIT: Hrmmm, nuking list of trackers if I could. Already available lists on 8bc wiki and wikipedia. Seems very pointless to repeat (even the formatting with the links, and consoles categories) ;____;

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