Regular Monday and Thursday OHC
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 15 Mixist
post #11858 :: 2009.12.18 7:27am
On irc we were talking about starting to have a regular thursday nsf ohc again, and additionally a regular monday pixel ohc.

We thought it might be good to set fixed times for those. So, what times would you like? (in GMT please ^^)
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #11862 :: 2009.12.18 9:08am
Good times for me are between 1pm and 7pm EST.

That's like 6pm to 3am for you Europeans?
Level 27 chipist
post #11863 :: 2009.12.18 9:16am
yes please :) from 7pm-ish up until 1am GMT is when I'm most likely to be available
Level 15 Mixist
post #11865 :: 2009.12.18 3:58pm
EST is five hours behind GMT, and CET(which most of the non british europeans are in) is one hour after GMT; so theoretically the difference should be 6 hours; i'm good with the earlier part of baron's timespan, though the later part of it might be hard to be in regular for me.
Level 28 Chipist
post #11867 :: 2009.12.19 2:10pm
count me in!... well i suggest like 2 hours... like near the morning for european and maybe late at night for european.... somethingn like

10 am to 12 pm, the first one and
3 to 5 pm the second...
all using time from UK
Level 15 Mixist
post #11868 :: 2009.12.19 5:11pm
hmm... it would be nicer to only have one fixed time per day... otherwise there might not be enough people to have both done xD

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