Join us on Thursday March 29th on geekbeatradio.com for the release and listening party for the new Cheapbeats release FM Possible 2!!
Edit: Here's what I am going to do guys, since I have no idea what obfuscate means, I'll just consolidate all of this into one link that takes you to my soundcloud. Even if the link doesn't highlight, all you'll have to do is copy the following into your browser. From there, look at the soundcloud description and all the links there will be able to be clicked for those that are interested.
BAM! https://soundcloud.com/jredd/fm-possible-2-release-party
Edit #2: Oh hey, that link works ^
Edit: Here's what I am going to do guys, since I have no idea what obfuscate means, I'll just consolidate all of this into one link that takes you to my soundcloud. Even if the link doesn't highlight, all you'll have to do is copy the following into your browser. From there, look at the soundcloud description and all the links there will be able to be clicked for those that are interested.
BAM! https://soundcloud.com/jredd/fm-possible-2-release-party
Edit #2: Oh hey, that link works ^