Space Oddity: sms musicians wanted
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 9 Chipist
post #11000 :: 2009.05.06 4:20am
Hello folks,
Since quite a long time, i'm working (with a few others) on a videogame/musicdisk project.

We try to emulate a sega master system feeling, but the game is developped for todays computer win/mac/linux.
Its a 'sega master system like' shootemup, featuring awesome tunes.

A bunch of talented chipmusicians are already part of the project,
but we need more 'new' tunes, for levels and bosses.
(we also need a 'gameover' mini tune)

Feel free to contact me if you have any original tunes to suggest, i'll be very happy to have more musicians involved in this project.
Tunes must be in a VGM/VGZ or PSGMOD format !

If you have any questions or tune(s) to offer, feel free to write me at :
jambonbill at yahoo dot fr

cheerz :)
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #11001 :: 2009.05.06 9:56am
oh, man, is there anyway we can preview the tunes you already have?
Level 9 Chipist
post #11002 :: 2009.05.06 11:01am
Please send me an email, and i'll send you some previews,
( we dont want to do any public releases yet ;)
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #11003 :: 2009.05.06 11:15am
ok! =D/
Level 23 Renderist
post #11846 :: 2009.12.15 5:50pm
oh hai
what ever happened to this =o what email adress?
oh yikes bump!?

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