Jredd - Coda​-​Cola Zone
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 0 n00b
post #91576 :: 2017.10.25 4:43am
Well, here's a little FM loop inspired by one of my favorite chip artists. (I'm pretty sure the title gives away who it is lol). It's a little on the short side because allergies and summer heat have been taking a toll on my inspiration as of late, even so I hope you enjoy this funky jam while it lasts.

(Note: I think there is a slight volume difference between the psg in the mp3 and what comes out on the VGM. render but I tried to get it close.)

from Summer Chip VII,

For more you can check
whiteboard animation

Level 23 Pixelist
post #91587 :: 2017.10.25 8:11am
Cool story m8
Level 29 Chipist
post #91588 :: 2017.10.25 8:52am
wow a bot that isn't about elevators or lasers for once

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