Level 22 Chipist
post #86761 ::
2017.06.23 4:30pm
MisaelK, Lukas Eriksson, TMM12, tothejazz, chinanewyr, tennisers, gotoandplay, sethdonut, flappy the seal, b00daw, Sinc-X and Quirby64 liēkd this
MisaelK, Lukas Eriksson, TMM12, tothejazz, chinanewyr, tennisers, gotoandplay, sethdonut, flappy the seal, b00daw, Sinc-X and Quirby64 liēkd this
Hello friends.
It's been a while, I've gone through a lot period of writer's block and general life issues. I managed to sketch out a few new songs and wanted to share them with you guys. Please enjoy and enjoy some more!!
It's been a while, I've gone through a lot period of writer's block and general life issues. I managed to sketch out a few new songs and wanted to share them with you guys. Please enjoy and enjoy some more!!