flash player distortion problem
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 12 Mixist
post #9883 :: 2008.10.24 11:04pm
so all the sudden all my songs sound horrible with major distortion. This also happend on another website that uses flash that I have songs at. Can anyone help?
Level 29 Hostist
post #9884 :: 2008.10.26 8:39am
i got a guess --

The new version of flash is trying to play 48kHz mp3s at the correct speed but isn't that great yet. Remember how it used to play 48kHz at the wrong speed? The new BotB might restrict submissions to multiples of 11kHz (err I;ve been thinking about it).
Level 12 Mixist
post #9885 :: 2008.10.27 6:11pm
thats what I was thinking, oh well. Thanks for the reply.


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