I just released an album!!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 23 Mixist
post #74887 :: 2016.12.11 2:45pm
  b00daw, FamicomForever and MisaelK liēkd this
Shelly - American Anxiety

i did a big work hard on this one for the past half-year. tell me what you think. put me in the sink. tell me im a crab. tell me im a rock 'n roll bab
Level 20 Chipist
post #74889 :: 2016.12.11 3:03pm :: edit 2016.12.11 3:13pm
  meanings liēkd this
way too much reverb for me personally. i can almost hear the makings of a decent song on the first track but it's tough to tell. second track also has more reverb than i would like but i like this much better. nice vocals and harmonies. also be honest did u use autotune? CHEATER. i guess this is a matter of taste like with the reverb but i prefer the honesty of pitchy vocals over perfectly autotuned ones. "Go My Way" startled the shit out of me because it's so much louder than the other tracks, dunno if that was intentional. i guess i'll edit this as i continue to listen with further thoughts

nice use of chromaticism in present, flow, the passing of time. this is my favorite so far
Level 21 Mixist
post #74891 :: 2016.12.11 3:12pm
  meanings liēkd this
the reverb is part of the charm ^_^ i love the dreampop and catchy jrock influences, this is like something i would listen to regularly!
Level 23 Mixist
post #74892 :: 2016.12.11 3:29pm
the only track that has autotune is Pushover in the second verse. but its on the harmony vocal tracks and its very obvious. but no i dont use autotune for anything else :-)
Level 20 Chipist
post #74893 :: 2016.12.11 3:47pm :: edit 2016.12.11 4:07pm
  meanings liēkd this
you have some amazing pitch control then, damn son. i apologize for casting aspersions

LOL the last track reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To1hBeADNLc
it's also breddy gud, another favorite possibly
Level 23 Mixist
post #74894 :: 2016.12.11 4:18pm
Arlen told me that the last track reminded him of that game too! I've never played it lol. i guess i made an oops.
Level 28 Chipist
post #74918 :: 2016.12.12 9:14am
  Savestate and meanings liēkd this
americ ananxiety
Level 22 Chipist
post #74962 :: 2016.12.13 9:10am
I liked it. Your instrumentation is nice, and the overall way you play and write your tracks are good and enjoyable. Your vocals could use some work - it sounds like you're whispering instead of singing. Maybe being more confident and dynamic in your vocals could really bring the songs together! It also sounds to me like your vocal track is standing out against every thing else. Maybe try blending that in with the music a little better next time? It seems that you release a lot of music (and have been for sometime) so I'm guessing you're no stranger to stuff like this now?
Level 27 Renderist
post #74964 :: 2016.12.13 9:38am
solid album. :) reminds me a lot of the early alternative and college rock i grew up with in the mid 90's.
Level 21 Mixist
post #74965 :: 2016.12.13 9:40am
  Doxic and maxvdub liēkd this
ok serious review- ive listened to this on my morning commutes and during school a bit now and have these thoughts-
the mastering is kinda iffy and some songs are alot quieter/louder than the rest, but thats a small point. the songwriting is sometimes too pop for me, but i adore alot of the songs here (present, flow <3)(also why is reassure so short? '^') and the instrumentation is solid, especially when you play with differnet timbres and synths stuffs. i actually really like the quieter voice (prob cause of my Cripping Shoegaze Addiction) and it reminds me of sufjan's inflection a bit, being clear and clean but not obnoxious. overall this is a very solid release and i find myself listening to this often, with the melodies getting stuck in my head! (also 60+ minutes of non-filler work! wow)

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