strobe revival party (for reals now)

2016-11-27 11:42:48

2016-11-27 13:05:12

5 Entries

Main Screen
Battle Host
Lvl 24  
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74366 :: 2016.11.27 11:53am
I'm sorry in advance if I can't vote :c
Level 21 Criticist
post #74368 :: 2016.11.27 12:44pm
Half of these aren't pixel wtf?
Level 17 Chipist
post #74369 :: 2016.11.27 12:53pm
Level 21 Criticist
post #74376 :: 2016.11.27 1:25pm
  Jimmyoshi and Blaze Weednix hæitd this
  tothejazz liēkd this
"<21:48:19 ModusPonenz> so it sounds like you folks have this idea that an entry is not a proper pixel art entry unless each pixel was placed one at a time with a pencil tool "
why yes, we do have this idea
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74392 :: 2016.11.27 4:40pm
Ultimately it's not possible to determine whether a pixel entry was made with only a pencil tool because everything can be faked and there's never any solid evidence that someone used it exclusively. If we wanna be really strict about it then you'd get next to no participation in these battles.

It doesn't even matter what the style is. I could automate the entire thing and then fool all of you guys while I run away with all the medals. I'd do this just to spite everyone who sees this strictly but I have more fun things to waste my time on.

Let's not make BotB a NO FUN ALLOWED place tbh.
Level 21 Criticist
post #74393 :: 2016.11.27 4:44pm
Botb. where the points are made up and the rules don't matter.
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74394 :: 2016.11.27 4:48pm :: edit 2016.11.27 4:49pm
By that logic anyone would break the rules deliberately and not give a damn.

Also I'm willing to bet 99% of all pixel entries don't look anything like pixel art at all yet no one has been ailed for it (actual cheaters/rulebreakers don't count).

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