1-Bit Mechanistic CD release
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 15 Chipist
post #71585 :: 2016.08.25 4:43pm
  AmusingTank, SketchMan3, Jredd, TMM12, garvalf, mk7, ViLXDRYAD, b00daw and Dimeback liēkd this
Hi Guys

My lo-fi album '1-Bit Mechanistic' is now available to buy on CD if anyone is interested.
A limited run factory printed disc and card wallet.

I've tried to keep the price pretty low and the postage reduces significantly on multiple disks.
So if you'd like to add a copy of this unique 1-bit CD to your chiptune collection, it's here:


Level 23 Pedagogist
post #71592 :: 2016.08.25 10:09pm
  Ataritufty liēkd this
neat album! i have got across a bunch of zx beeper music before and i can most definitely say your album themes are my all-time favorites

you managed to get me into zx spectrum music

unfortunately i am not a currency user, my bad = c BUT i absolutely appreciate your work! you are an amazing composer!~ = D
Level 15 Chipist
post #71628 :: 2016.08.26 11:36am :: edit 2016.08.26 11:38am
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Thanks for the very kind words :)

I'm glad you're into ZX Beeper music, the format is improving all the time.
There are a wealth of incredible new engines waiting to be explored on the 1-bit forum. Would be great to hear some tracks on BOTB written using them :)

My album is also available as a ZX Spectrum music demo to be played on real hardware or emulator, coded by the 1-bit Maestro, Irrlicht Project.

Download it here:
Level 25 Chipist
post #71639 :: 2016.08.26 4:41pm
  Ataritufty liēkd this
Awesome stuff man :). I need to mess with Qchan more. You're getting rad things out of it :D.
Level 22 Chipist
post #71657 :: 2016.08.26 7:21pm
  Ataritufty liēkd this
Oh wow, cool

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