Page 0 when browsing sub-forums
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #71317 :: 2016.08.21 1:26pm
Is not the most crucial of bugs to be fixed here BUT still; just pointing it out if someone cares about:

while i find obvious to start index browsing from 1 to ahead; for some reason when browsing a sub-forum the page number tabs points that a page 0 exists and starts from there as if were page 1

note aside: this being botb it would not be of surprise for me that a page 0 were actually intended to exist since the concept of the site differs a lot from the common styled forums
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #71319 :: 2016.08.21 1:33pm :: edit 2016.08.21 1:34pm
  Doxic, Savestate, ViLXDRYAD and TMM12 liēkd this
I'd call this a design choice (even if poor) rather than a bug. puke knows his code better but I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard to change this so it displays from page 1 onwards instead of from page 0. The backend's actual workings don't need to change either way since this is just display (I'm assuming).

I vote we count from page -69 to confuse n00bs
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #71326 :: 2016.08.21 3:30pm
yea, just a display/browser address thing so far; so is pretty much a thing of taste rather than a bug itself

is not the obvious nor the standard way BUT i through it would be good to point out just to be sure this is the way page numbers were intended to be indexed lol
Level 29 Hostist
post #71415 :: 2016.08.22 5:48pm
  kleeder, Yuki, mk7, Savestate, Melon, Doxic, Blaze Weednix and Sinc-X liēkd this
I do understand that following conventions like this would increase usability. And it would be really easy to +1 the numbers displayed. But if you're participating in this community and you can't count from zero then...
(* bites off own tongue *)
Level 21 Criticist
post #71426 :: 2016.08.22 9:12pm
  ap0c, Savestate, Doxic and Blaze Weednix liēkd this
Reminder that virt uses famitracker with decimal rows
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #71445 :: 2016.08.23 6:51am
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
lmao thing is that i usually care for minimal details that are often of no importance at all; my main focus pointing this out was merely an aesthetic thing, so i wanted to let puke7 be aware of it BUT if he is okay with starting from zero pages; is neat too! at the end it does not change anything to browse index from page 0 rather than 1

note aside; would be neat to the forum to have a tracker feature when searching a topic/botbr, idk how it could work BUT imo intentionally making it look like a real tracker is definitely botb-styleish; i wonder how could randomly placed forum entries/botbrs could sound when making a search lol

btw thanks to pay attention to this rather capricious thread, puke7 lol

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