Winter Chip 3 resluts!!
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #8492 :: 2008.03.20 12:46am :: edit 2008.03.20 9:25am
YAYS!!! 89 tracks makes you all teh winners!! Thank you all for participating with this snail of a website. We will not be running another compo (besides OHCs) until the BotB system gets stripped and rebuilt -- these redundant data loading issues are making BotB not so much fun to be around. D=
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #8493 :: 2008.03.20 5:21am

WC3 was lots of fun!!!
Level 23 Renderist
post #8494 :: 2008.03.20 10:57am :: edit 2008.03.20 11:00am
It was fun. So this is the ReBirht ?? =o Anyway, congrats botb+botbers!!! See you in the next compo (or ohc, whichever)

edit: redundant data issues? lolz they are fun ;DD
Level 11 Chipist
post #8495 :: 2008.03.20 5:08pm
super entries, really congrats to all :D
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #8496 :: 2008.03.21 4:02am
almost a 5% increase in BOTBers!!!!

Level 28 Chipist
post #8497 :: 2008.03.26 6:18am
i dont congrat anyone!... this was a totally shit!... i hate you all!....

but been serious... is a shame just 10+ ppl vote for the tracks... i was specting... atleast... 20+ or 30+... ppl is getting lazy in the world.... that's why we are having problems everywhere! XD... i blame the internet!... "internet kill the tv starts"...

gratzz all! :) and all n00bz
Level 23 Samplist
post #8498 :: 2008.03.26 7:12am
y'all said "sluts"

anyone goin' to see Baron Knoxburry in NYC sat?
Level 12 Chipist
post #8499 :: 2008.04.04 1:22pm
Typical. I missed this one. Would have been fun :)
Level 29 Hostist
post #8500 :: 2008.04.07 10:06am
Someday BotB will have a plethora of RSS feeds so people never miss what they're looking for! o__O
Level 28 Chipist
post #8501 :: 2008.04.07 4:11pm
goodboy :) i would love rss :X
Level 8 Chipist
post #8502 :: 2008.04.14 5:00am :: edit 2008.04.14 5:02am
but been serious... is a shame just 10+ ppl vote for the tracks... i was specting... atleast... 20+ or 30+... ppl is getting lazy in the world.... that's why we are having problems everywhere! XD... i blame the internet!... "internet kill the tv starts"...

>gratzz all! :) and all n00bz

I tried to vote all songs but it was just too much. I had to do it in just two evenings and in the my head was spinning around. don't get me wrong I love chiptunes and I really loved what I heard but that was just too much. the next day I had to listen to Gabba music to free my head again.

btw: will there be an MP3 release like last time?
Level 24 Chipist
post #8503 :: 2008.04.14 6:49am
I didn't vote at all because of what ui said: I'm getting (or have always been) too lazy. \=D/

I agree with MM, maybe the voting system should be altered. Dunno, though, I really like it how it is. It's just so damn tiresome when there are a lot of submissions. ;_;
Level 23 Samplist
post #8504 :: 2008.04.14 7:20am
i agree... perhaps voting begins as soon as the track is posted. that way, we'll get a much longer voting period, spread out over time.
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #8505 :: 2008.04.14 8:36am :: edit 2008.04.14 8:36am
i voted, but i agree with blank. that is a really good idea.

on the other hand...
people find time to do what they really want to do.
eg. i didn't have time to vote but i watched all three x-men movies.

i see how it gets tiring, listening to all the submissions, but it is part of the fun too... i think.

Level 15 Criticist
post #8506 :: 2008.04.14 7:51pm
Maybe you have to have a minimum number of votes for your song to be valid to get a placement... or something along those same thoughts... Just an idea :)

I voted for every song and commented on most AND I didn't even enter!
Level 24 Chipist
post #8507 :: 2008.04.15 2:23am
Maybe you shouldn't be able to vote if you don't submit a tune then >B(
Level 23 Samplist
post #8508 :: 2008.04.15 5:18am :: edit 2008.04.15 5:24am
i'm against Miau's suggestion....

i think having listener's critiques are vital

botb could very well develop into a listener site, as well as a producer site.

--- if a chiptune or re-mix is played in a forest but there is nobody there to hear it... will people login? ----
Level 23 Renderist
post #8509 :: 2008.04.15 7:45pm
Nice. (hio)

hmmm, I find it difficult to vote in one sitting 100 tunes. Voting 100 tunes is just time consuming. People are not up for that. The voting system...could be improved (not that I'm suggesting anything) so that voters are at least a bit more organized when voting. Nothing will help voting 100 tunes, though.

For the 8 of us that do vote on all songs, damn, we're a bunch of n00bs! xD

@lilly dunno -_- that could easily backfire on botb and scare/piss people who submit tunes off.
Level 24 Chipist
post #8510 :: 2008.04.16 6:14am
I was just kidding anyway :)
There are still solutions like "vote for the five tracks you like most", but I hate dislike system of voting and can't see how it would work well with the way botb's compos are set up... there'd be a lot of tracks nobody voted for so they all draw at a score of 0.00. :( BAAAD!
Level 24 Chipist
post #8511 :: 2008.04.16 6:29am
Oh, and people might start creating multiple accounts again and vote for their own tracks over and over.
I like blank's idea, though. Let us vote as soon as a track is submitted?! Why not!
Level 29 Hostist
post #8512 :: 2008.04.16 8:34pm
This has turned into an interesting thread! =D

Allowing BotBrs to vote on a tune as soon as it is submitted is a good idea. Here is a list I have come up with for future voting features ::
- allow voting on Entrys as they are submitted
- when a BotBr updates their Entry during Compo Submission Time all related votes are trashed (possibly very annoying, possibly not-necessary, or a User Option?)
- a Voting Period still continues after Entry Submission Time is over
- BotBrs can review and change their votes until the Voting Period is over
- Home page should list Entrys with least number of votes AND has not yet been voted on by BotBr

And I'm sure there could be more but damn that's enough for my head now. I need to hurry and figure out this damn form automation module so I can move to them other handful of libraries. Then BotB 2.0 can begin.... MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! >=D
Level 28 Chipist
post #8513 :: 2008.04.17 6:50am :: edit 2008.04.18 7:15am
- when a BotBr updates their Entry during Compo Submission Time all related votes are trashed (possibly very annoying, possibly not-necessary, or a User Option?)

*in that case you have to clarificate to the User than, he gonna lost his votes if he "re-upload" a track.

- a Voting Period still continues after Entry Submission Time is over

*totally necesary, i could add... the voting time extend 1 week?... enought time to vote for "the rest" of the tracks, of just vote for all the tracks...

- BotBrs can review and change their votes until the Voting Period is over



I'm a good boy, i help old people to cross the street, i help my mom to ***cook*** his delicious cookies
i would love for this Autumm (argentian), have a rss, playlist editor, icons implement, more ohc's and more noobs...
thx dead puke7.... you are my favorite beardieman
Level 29 Hostist
post #8514 :: 2008.04.17 8:23am
O_O "i help my mom to cock his delicious cookies"?!?!?! HAHAHAJAJAJAJJAHAJAHAJAHAJAJJAHAJAHJAHAAJ!!!! xD Stop it you banana cock! You are making me laugh too hard!! =X

thanx 4 teh suggestions ;D
Level 31 Chipist
post #8515 :: 2008.04.17 4:43pm
this years best insult, "you banana cock"!
Level 15 Criticist
post #8516 :: 2008.04.18 4:16am :: edit 2008.04.18 4:19am
rotfl.... too funny...

I see what you mean anewuser. I was just making a suggestion as well.

I do agree that if we are allowed to vote as soon as tracks are subitted then we should be able to change our votes as some voters base their votes on the other songs submitted.

I didn't enter and I know that, but I have in the past and I plan on entering in the future so don't count me out miau... I will kick your ass... one day! ;) I agree that listeners are important and even though they may not be the best composers (aka Lilly) we do help keep this site and the irc chan running and alive and cute :P

So don't count us out :)

And FTR... I agree that "you banana cock: is the best insult of the year! Who is picking up the award? They called and said it was ready!
Level 28 Chipist
post #8517 :: 2008.04.18 7:17am
was ***cook*** not cokc! XD..... jesus.... ¬¬ that's why i hate speak english! :(
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #8518 :: 2008.04.18 10:13am :: edit 2008.04.18 10:13am
I <3 Uish! ;D
Level 15 Criticist
post #8519 :: 2008.04.18 4:26pm
I just love UI! :) :) :) :)

He is pretty Ghetto Fabulous! Or Maybe a Ghetto SuperStar? Maybe we should Vote! ;)

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