post #59006 ::
2015.08.05 8:41pm :: edit 2015.08.05 8:41pm raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Yeah, if there's only like 16 days left, I'm really uncertain I'll be able to get anything in at all. It's fine, but just saying. Perhaps marcb0t will return...
(P.S. Let's hear some more Sgen and PCE tunes people, please!)
Whaaaa? Keramon, how you program for PC speaker? I've been trying to find good software for that, but all I can think of is Microsoft QBasic back from the day. I'd like something a little more marcb0t friendly.
post #59100 ::
2015.08.09 5:38am DalekSam liēkd this
Sorry if I'm misreading something, but weren't we just given 3 specific possible formats? I mean if we're allowed to make more suggestions that's even better but I don't see where that was made official...
I suppose it's all the same to me though because there are already more formats than I'd know what to do with.
also darn this started while I've been away from home and unable to make anything
You know something? In retrospect, I think this is kind of like a throwback to the original Winter Chip, which also had four formats. Kind of nice, in my eyes.