2015-04-03 18:27:29

2015-04-03 20:15:54

7 Entries

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Level 26 Mixist
post #55714 :: 2015.04.03 6:28pm :: edit 2015.04.03 6:55pm
  Jangler liēkd this
In case your web browser hates my ASCII

Also, clarifying points:
- You are free to make whatever in this OHB and you are free to fulfill any of the 9 quests posted up to your liking. You may fulfill none, one, two, etc., or you can challenge yourself and try fulfilling all 9.
- For the "Making the Song" quest, looping constitutes as repeating a song in order to fulfill the time requirement. (At the very least, introduce something new to the 2nd loop if you wish to loop the song). Also, 2 minutes minimum.
- For the "Advanced Beats" quest, the quest is only looking for a drum loop in itself, not a drum loop that serves as the song.
- For the "Progression Grandmasters" quest, the quest is not looking for 15 unique chords in the progression, just that the progression string is 15 chords long. You can reuse some chords in said string.

Any other questions will be clarified in the IRC and appended to this post as they are answered.
Level 28 Chipist
post #55720 :: 2015.04.03 7:06pm
holy hell
Level 26 Mixist
post #55737 :: 2015.04.03 10:29pm :: edit 2015.04.04 1:28am
  Sinc-X and KungFuFurby liēkd this
ASCII RESULTS BOARD http://puu.sh/h0YVE.png


Results from 2 tickets: T5 T5 (earned 10 extra boons)

all of them
Results from 3 tickets: T5 T5 T5 (earned 15 extra boons)

Results from 3 tickets: T4 T5 T5 (earned 20 extra boons)

here goes
Results from 2 tickets: T4 T4 (earned 20 extra boons)

hardpanned pulse drumloop chords
Results from 2 tickets: T3 T4 (earned 30 extra boons)

Results from 5 tickets: T2 T4 T4 T5 T5 (earned 30 extra boons and something will happen in the next RITUALISM)

quest for pizza
Results from 4 tickets: T4 T4 T5 T5 (earned 30 extra boons)

godhateslalalalaboring earned no tickets.
Level 27 Chipist
post #55754 :: 2015.04.04 7:48am
Your ASCII Results Board is in error for SummonThyQuest because it didn't achieve Making the Song. I could have gone for it, but I suffered from time constraints (and I think I started with 45 minutes left on the clock).

I didn't plan for Beginnings and Ends and Advanced Beats. For Beginnings and Ends, the beginning was never really planned, and the ending was hastily tagged on to give the song a proper closing.

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