I regard this as the unofficial BotBurfday
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 16 Pedagogist
post #55620 :: 2015.04.01 1:56am
  Baron Knoxburry, raphaelgoulart and JINTAKE liēkd this
Crashed my bike today, so I have no bike anymore. All Dutch botbrers know how serious life sucks when that happens.

but FORTUNATELY this site has gone madman batpoo crazy onesmoar. yeah!!!! I'm in the upside again! Even if it takes 3 times to login and 7 times to make a new thread thingy. :-) <3 happy burfday to all, you f00ls
Level 28 Chipist
post #55621 :: 2015.04.01 10:51am
  kleeder, n00b and Jolt liēkd this
I made a pallette today. looking forward to finding out what colour it is tomorrow!

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