keffi's misadventures in gephi (or: explorations in cybercartography)
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Mixist
post #55275 :: 2015.03.24 12:43pm
interesting experiment. can't wait to see how it looks with more users!

however, the relationship is unidirectional ("x is following y"), but the graph is drawn as if it was bidirectional. this makes it a little confusing at first. also, i think if you came up with some kind of bidirectional relationship (e.g. "x and y are following each other") you might get a pretty interesting graph.

also i could have sworn you were following me kf!
Level 26 Mixist
post #55287 :: 2015.03.24 4:04pm
I wonder if the edge color is meant to indicate the relationship somehow, though a legend or an explanation may help there, perhaps.

This is cool, either way! :D
Level 24 Chipist
post #55297 :: 2015.03.24 8:10pm
tfw kf doesn't follow me. . . .

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