The Genesis is 16-bit console developed by SEGA. '[#[Specifications] '[tab[CPU] Motorola 68000 7.67MHz16/32-bit '[tab[RAM] 64kb '[tab[Video Ram] 64kb '[tab[Colors Avail.] 512 (3,3,3 RGB) '[tab[Colors Used] 64 or 183 in shadow/highlight mode '[tab[Resolution] 256 or 320 pixels across, 224 or 448 up and down '[tab[Audio CPU] '[[Z80] 3.58 MHz '[tab[Audio RAM] 8kb '[tab[Sound Chips] YM2612 5 channel FM, 1 channel FM/PCM, TI SN76489 4 channel PSG '[#[Programming] '[l[[BasiEgaXorz] - build a ROM with BASIC programming language