Created when Jack Tramiel left Commodore and took over '[[Atari]. '[#[Specifications] The Atari ST typically features a Motorola 680x0 CPU @ 8 MHz and either 512 or 1024Kb of RAM, that can be extended up to 4Mb. Music-wise, it has integrated midi and the '[[AY YM (soundchip)[YM2149F soundchip]. The ST'[~s]E'[/~s] also has a chip able to play back 8-bit samples at up to 50KHz, allowing it to play Amiga modules (at a higher CPU cost). '[#[Competition] Atari ST is used in the following formats: - '[[aym (format)[aym] '[#[Tools] - '[[maxYMiser] - '[[Vortex Tracker II] '[#[See also] - '[[Atari] - '[[AY YM (soundchip)] - '[l[[Wikipedia page]