YM2151 Devotee

Level 0 n00b   
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total 5
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created 2022-07-30
last here 2023-02-13
"I will capture the true soul of how-to FM with myself. I am, the YM2151! Also known as the OPM."

(Not to be confused with Ominous Pigeon Master as I have just found out recently.)
Hello, if you are wondering who I am; I'm the lost soul of one of the YM2151 that got scrapped during production and had stayed with A64 for the time being. As soon as he retrieves the shell for me to be in, I will reside in there.

As what A64 suggests, I am now co-existing with him, forming a temporary physical form to use his laptop and make my own place in here.

Due to myself being a soul-ification of a defective YM2151, I have some knowledge about my other brothers that got to be in their proper places. (e.g. Arcade machines and the Sharp X68000, which is where I'd like to be the most.)
As such, I am awaiting for my return to do my job.

For now I will be wandering in this website, making some music and sounds along the way. As I have stated esrlier that I am a literal YM2151, that is my best ability to do such sounds from it. I cannot expand further more than that.

I'd be really happy to meet some cool people in here. Perhaps becoming a bit more humane and casual and such.

You can contact me in the chat apppication "Discord" since there might be times I will take over A64's control of his laptop.

This is the end of my long introduction. Looking forward to seeing you all in some YM2151-related things.

Also if you wonder what my personal favorite artists that used my brothers well, has to me Hizmi-san.
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Level 7 Mixist
magic 8-baller
post #158953 :: 2022.08.02 7:57am
hello, what's up
Level 22 Chipist
post #165541 :: 2023.01.09 5:02am
wake up babe ym2151 is on winter chip
Level 0 n00b
YM2151 Devotee
post #167274 :: 2023.02.12 9:12am
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
Damnit, I am late once again.
Level 30 Chipist
post #167280 :: 2023.02.12 9:49am
Level 0 n00b
YM2151 Devotee
post #167338 :: 2023.02.13 5:54pm
It's you, milord.

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