heya! just to let you know about the OHBs - most formats don't allow you to submit .mp3 (like this jummbox battle you just submitted to). on the battle page, the format is shown, and a link saying "read lyceum article" will tell you the legal file types for that format. in jummbox's case, it's .txt, containing a link to the song on the jummbox tool. the lyceum is like our wiki! it'll tell you what to do.
a few formats, like "allgear" and "wildchip", do allow .mp3 but most formats do not
also, since you submitted just a few minutes after the start time, i wanted to let you know that OHBs have to be created from scratch at the start of the timer. there will be a prompt for you to read ("bit pack") that gives you instructions to follow, which helps ensure you're doing this.
welcome to the battle tho! now that you know a bit more about it, i hope to see you in more OHBs!