I am currently a senior at Nathan Hale High school.
If you know me in real life feel free to say hi.
I do not do weed despite the name.
The "H" in HERB is silent.
I picked it so that it would be easy to remember since I have trouble with names and because it is a play-on of my real life name.
The initials of which are E,R,B.
you can contact me at :ericbuzard0@gmai.com
or when I am in the botb IRC
I only have about 10 completed songs out currently but I have improved by quite a bit (no pun intended) :3
I started on the modarchive, so you can check all that crap out here:
I have no idea who gave me such a high reviewer rating though so If it was you let me know so I can thank you.
hope we can become close friends kay!
thanks - HERB