Elpy A Perez

Level 0 n00b   
2 Favorites
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created 2019-04-10
last here 2019-04-21
hi i accidentally used google autocomplete and now i can't change my name :^(

i'm lugi. i dunno what to say
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Level 9 Playa
post #109653 :: 2019.04.10 8:20pm
Hello!, Welcome to BotB!

About your username, I'd suggest you join the site's chat and ask one of the admins to help you have your intended name! You can do so by clicking the Chats button up there on the site! Or joining it's server, if that better for you https://discord.gg/4EnrPVK

I look forward to see you participating in a competence! And don't hesitate to ask about how the site, or the tools used to make music here works on the chats!, I'm sure most people here would love to be of any help!, You can also hit me up in PM for any assistance, I'd be pleased answer anything about the tools and the site! You can find me around there as Oli!

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