"fEathered Rats"? You're lucky QuaQ that I do not allow my pigeon legionaries to extend the wrath I have on Vav towards you, and your waterFowl kind!
But Vavco's wealth and influence has grown, and has been breaching my territories as of late. You would have my entire Pigeon Empire fight Vavco, at the expense of giving up key landmarks? No, I've considered this well, and I'm fully aware, the Army of the Hand, and the Toad Forces would very quickly swoop in, if I dispensed all I have.
But what I have prepared should be sufficient for the task at hand. With this temporary alliance, I shall allow your duck garrisons to fight besides my Pigeon Prefects. But know that when this has concluded, our alliance shall be terminated, and sooner or later, your ducks will submit to our rule, or cease to quack, by the feathers of the pigeon.