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tittle BotBr date score favs format
Dr Xnaurous Secret Lab Strobe
2008-02-01 11:50:12 Σ21.868 11
agent DS Rio
2009-02-23 02:10:17 Σ22.634 1
The Old Dusty Trail j.arthur
2009-02-23 12:38:23 Σ25.942 11
The Year 2999 little-scale
2009-02-24 23:30:07 Σ25.700 6
Prism Stars Derris-Kharlan
2009-02-26 17:05:47 Σ23.834 6
Still Broken 303 BTS
2009-02-28 17:11:14 Σ18.425 1
Friendz humiliation
2009-03-01 17:02:01 Σ18.662 1
Attention Deficit FTW flashbob
2009-03-04 07:52:10 Σ24.542 1
Power of the android Strobe
2009-03-09 12:25:58 Σ26.019 11
Chipshipsheep MrGamer
2009-03-09 20:53:12 Σ23.340 5
the sad dog rushjet1
2009-03-09 21:30:55 Σ23.658 1
Xombies Running Free Baron Knoxburry
2009-03-09 22:08:13 Σ26.457 6
2009-03-09 22:43:00 Σ18.059 1
See You Next Year Kulor
2009-03-09 22:45:37 Σ23.249 19
Neptunes Methane Waves SBX 8000
2008-01-31 13:01:35 Σ21.660 4
Healthy Jellyfish Agentflit
2008-03-01 00:48:10 Σ18.544 1
Old Days Anti-Cheat
2008-02-08 16:48:27 Σ15.369 1
PixelCore Dauragon
2008-02-08 20:04:03 Σ20.828 2
The First Time DeRaNGeR
2008-02-09 01:56:01 Σ19.176 0
Unable to Relate Heosphoros
2008-02-12 14:30:19 Σ23.237 5
winter sports collection -GENESIS- ski lpower
2008-02-14 15:42:06 Σ25.249 4
Raveno sc
2008-02-21 20:35:46 Σ17.965 3
Sergei Lukyanenko Riggs Rector
2008-02-22 15:54:43 Σ19.028 3
BOSS 9 rushjet1
2008-02-23 23:14:46 Σ26.339 9
TRASHcanDANCE - Brinkmann Rio
2008-02-25 00:22:20 Σ23.916 2
Surrounded vintaque
2008-02-27 01:21:04 Σ22.575 1
The Muse Birdtron
2008-02-28 21:10:13 Σ17.574 3
f-step flashbob
2008-02-29 04:54:01 Σ20.105 5
Arp 101 Ikuma
2008-02-29 20:05:06 Σ14.949 1
Trisinosapuno MrGamer
2008-02-29 20:17:11 Σ24.901 13