tittle | BotBr | date | score | favs | format | |
Bzz Bzz Bzz bzz Bzz | Tilde | 2014-01-14 21:56:14 | Σ24.498 | 10 | ||
Return to Midarian | Strobe | 2014-01-09 05:36:10 | Σ25.550 | 10 | ||
A Sandy Sandstorm of the Century | KungFuFurby | 2012-10-31 18:37:27 | Σ23.293 | 6 |
longcatislong descriptioncore acid rave long surprise ending synth holygoditsloud drone mp3 battle of the bz bzzcore bzz bzzzzz hax wubz bzzzzzz sociobzzzz hidden penis cyriak vgm Sega Megadrive Genesis not enough bzz secret penis bwap bwibbity dark fartbass buzzy industrial dance suparetriggamidi sci-fi midi filtercore