Wow... hear how cute it is destroy an casio or toy with circuit bending and ur description is really AMAZING hahaha
Drugs and this! XD hahaha wtf!
Drugs and this! XD hahaha wtf!
The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
2spooky atari b00dhorror circuit bending descriptioncore experimental MKULTRA monarch pokey ultrasonic underdog
just close your eyes, my darling. give me your hands.
now, repeat after me: "rubber baby buggy bumpers."
take this and drink it... it will make you feel the true reality. when you start to spin just go with it. don't fight it! you're coming into yourself as you've always known yourself to be without ever seeing and feeling yourself before.
yes, i've done this before. you're not in any danger. the restraints are for your safety if you cannot control yourself.
purging is a common part of the process. if you start to feel ill, there's a bucket underneath you.
c..n... y... h..r... m.... ? darling? i'm right h..r... c..n.. y... s..s.....s..s..s.s.s..s..s..SEEE... meeaaaauuu.....ooo-me?
he can't help you, you know...
you're a worthless excuse for a subject. he's only using you for his experiments. you saw the way he looked at stephanie before you came into his laboratory. the waiver you signed had an indemnity clause if you happen to die tonight..t..t..t... d.d.darrrliiiiiiiIIIiiiiinnnggg-g-gg-g? caa a a a aa nnnn.... he said don't fight it. didn't he?
do you like being in the dark?
it's not over yet... you'll never be the same again...
where did you go? can you open your eyes... oh! why are your eyes black? this is not at all what i had expected. now, i'm just going to give you a little sedative to help you with your nerves. don't struggle too much or the restraints will bruise you! we can't have that...
it's just a little prick and then you'll get to lay back on your pillow and take a bit of a nap before we run some more tests. you can pick up your check on my desk in the morninnnnnnngggggggggggg.......
by the way... at one point you began lapping at your bedpan. that's why we had to restrain you. i'm sure you understand. you can review the footage later if you don't believe me. :)