
loopy mod2vic

Baron Knoxburry
Level 30 Mixist
Commodore VIC 20

231st Σ3.815

209th Σ4.135

223rd Σ3.917

223rd Σ3.833

shit chipants 
217th Σ3.954

  223rd/251   Σ19.653   Feb 14th 2016 9:32pm
you can tune a horse but you can't . . .

first (and maybe only) try with mod2vic
ultimately, i think i learned i don't like .mod?
not totally sure, have no idea
go suck a vic20 *yummy*

previous entry
EnergeticEssence - A Palmful of Lemons

nextious entry
Post-retro - Monochrome Rainbow
Level 30 Chipist
post #63601 :: 2016.02.18 12:32pm
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
At least we got a few beardie tunes for the compo!
Level 27 Renderist
post #63902 :: 2016.02.23 4:44pm
yeah well where's your engine you made? :O
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #63905 :: 2016.02.23 5:53pm
Well sir, my engines kind of blow!

My first attempt was on Vic to BRRRN which has a nice raster bar effect, but didn't really deliver what I wanted as a composer. If I remember correctly, each channels' song data was one long stream of bytes which the player went over. To work on sections I would comment out earlier data in each channel. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are no patterns which would be a nice thing to have since I always try to target the unexpanded VIC and why I steered away from vic tracker in the first place. On top of that, I did this one using some 6502 cross-platform IDE-ish windows-based thingy that I don't like and have a hard time finding again.

Next up was SMluRlM which was more of a happy accident that I spent time tweaking to achieve the final outcome. There's no song data, just an algorithm for each channels value per frame. Also pretty sure the global volume is subtly pulsing in some way to help the rhythm.

I made a conscious decision to not do any ASM this battle as I felt my programming energy currently has better priorities! ;D

I'm not saying I still don't want to make a cross platform tracker/tool, but it seems like an incredible amount of work and if I still don't have an engine for the VIC I'm happy with then there's no reason to move forward on that.
Level 16 Chipist
post #64044 :: 2016.02.25 2:06pm
Hmn, I guess this could have been better executed, but I have no idea how well versed in C-64 the good Baron is. Also, it's a bit to short and has a "cheap" fadeout.

Still, it deserves to be voted on :)
Level 16 Chipist
post #64045 :: 2016.02.25 2:07pm
Ooops. Not c-64, Vic-20. That explains the sound... Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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