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Level 31 Chipist
post #191813 :: 2024.06.13 5:36am
  nicole liēkd this
a pop ballad!!! 😍 truly iconic sounds across the board, great work with both the synths and the vox. would love to see and follow alongside some lyrics!

although i don't get the sense that it shares the same tongue-in-cheek tone, i'm reminded of Beck's song "Debra" in terms of the musical energy - and that's one of my favorite songs eheh
Level 15 Chipist
post #192382 :: 2024.06.25 10:17am
from the night till the morning
in the big sky that tumbles around
there’s a star at the center
for me that’s you
to me that’s you

i travel on past the boundary
for many moons I’ve been wandering lost
but then look to the lodestar
for me that’s you
to me that’s you

all along the path i tread
i feel your light shining at
on your distant throne above
will there ever be a place for

from the night till the morning
in the big sky that tumbles around
there’s a star at the center
for me that’s you
to me that’s you

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