Here's the original XM — http://lmao.rotfl.at/upload/SoiledBargains/the_bar_that_shall_not_be_named.xm
This was a fun to do!
The pattern 02h is repeated several times so that Milky's WAV export would loop the song as I wanted it to.
I was originally going to use another set of chords, but the swing wouldn't cooperate with it.
I was going to rant more about making this entry, but I'll probably do that when I upload this to 8BC.
EDIT: Eh, I'll do an unorganized rant now.
Channel 4 was fun to do. This is the first time I had to clear instrument names for something like this (purposeful?) (or maybe I've done this before at least once). Also, this is the first time I've used the volume channel to substitute for volume slides when the effect column is already being used for something else (3xx in this case).
This the first time I've set vibrato settings in an instrument!
It's been a while since I've played back two different percussive patterns at once. Every time I've done something like this I've never been disappointed, and this is no exception! Even though sometimes I hit the same note on both patterns occasionally (which I didn't notice until I solo'd both of them out after the compo).
All sample editing was done in Milky (except converting the MP3 samples to WAV was done in Audacity), so whoo!
Lastly, three channels that did the chords and stuff were all transposed from the first set of chords/note things, save for the chord at the end of the pattern, that one was tweaked.
Okay time for sleep.
EDIT 2: Oh, and while I wanted to use metallic2.wav as a hat, I ended up using MTQuijada as... I don't know what'd you call that, hehe... for percussion instead. As you can see, I left that instrument in the module anyway, and I just scrapped it seeing that I didn't think it would work for me.
Now for sleep. After a few things.
This was a fun to do!
The pattern 02h is repeated several times so that Milky's WAV export would loop the song as I wanted it to.
I was originally going to use another set of chords, but the swing wouldn't cooperate with it.
I was going to rant more about making this entry, but I'll probably do that when I upload this to 8BC.
EDIT: Eh, I'll do an unorganized rant now.
Channel 4 was fun to do. This is the first time I had to clear instrument names for something like this (purposeful?) (or maybe I've done this before at least once). Also, this is the first time I've used the volume channel to substitute for volume slides when the effect column is already being used for something else (3xx in this case).
This the first time I've set vibrato settings in an instrument!
It's been a while since I've played back two different percussive patterns at once. Every time I've done something like this I've never been disappointed, and this is no exception! Even though sometimes I hit the same note on both patterns occasionally (which I didn't notice until I solo'd both of them out after the compo).
All sample editing was done in Milky (except converting the MP3 samples to WAV was done in Audacity), so whoo!
Lastly, three channels that did the chords and stuff were all transposed from the first set of chords/note things, save for the chord at the end of the pattern, that one was tweaked.
Okay time for sleep.
EDIT 2: Oh, and while I wanted to use metallic2.wav as a hat, I ended up using MTQuijada as... I don't know what'd you call that, hehe... for percussion instead. As you can see, I left that instrument in the module anyway, and I just scrapped it seeing that I didn't think it would work for me.
Now for sleep. After a few things.