Baron Knoxburry
Level 30 Mixist
Commodore 64

Commpare and Dispair 
62nd Σ3.962

67th Σ3.956

Adorbs Odor 
73rd Σ3.414

Tramiel Commando 
63rd Σ3.915

POKE in Pants 
61st Σ3.912

tabular modularity
  64th/75   Σ19.159   Dec 4th 2016 11:56am
this is a sad little SID thing
i got a bit dismayed at my efforts in the vic20 category which i never even started writing music for, but i did make some interesting tools and feel more confidant with my assembly skills (continue that project for Winter Chip?)

so i jumped on the SID wagon, read the specs for about an hour -- funny thing how much i instantly understand after years of being into modular synthesis -- i wanted to unlock the things i know now

so i opened Goat Tracker and discovered it doesn't support the 11bit values for the filter cutoff?

really... i just wanted to explore sounds but i failed to capture a lot of them since i was editing tables while the pattern looped... i think goat tracker is a decent tool for writing songs, but not necessarily for exploring and expirementing with the SID (i didn't even get to syncing and ring modding SAD )

maybe SID something more exciting in the futre

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Quirby64 - That Chase Scene from that One Movie

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Robyn - Are You Keeping Up
Level 15 Chipist
post #74617 :: 2016.12.04 1:51pm
  shinichi and Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
Sounds a lot like the soundtrack to the 1969 Andromeda Strain
Level 22 Mixist
post #74851 :: 2016.12.09 12:41pm
  Baron Knoxburry and Pegmode liēkd this
you sound disappointed, but i like this a lot !

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