Level 28 Mixist
TIC-80 Tiny Computer

6th Σ5.420

9th Σ5.312

17th Σ4.684

5th Σ5.460

time in pants 
8th Σ5.331

space sentinel
  8th/24   Σ26.208   Mar 10th 2024 10:52am
space sentinel is a little side scrolling space shooter type game!

you are in command of your scouting vessel until you find yourself in a region of space you've never encountered before. you receive a high alert on communication channel 05 that an alien invasion has begun near your region of space and that they're eating away the fabric of the universe! with haste you make it to the sector, with only several seconds until your universe's collapse.

you must quickly secure enough spatial flux to drive back the alien invaders and restore stability to the universe. however, you will face opposition!
interlopers (green) are common enemies that fire seeking limpets
space squids (red) fire a cloud of spores around them that stay around for a long time
probes (blue) fire a barrage of lasers in your general direction that accelerate over time
each hit you take decreases your timer and speeds up the collapse of the universe.

it is in your hands. good luck o7

'z': primary fire
'x': burst fire (only when charge is at 500/500)
arrow keys to move
your ship wraps around at the y axis

written in python
please use TIC-80 v1.1 or over


previous entry
Hz-Voyager - Lunar Harvest

nextious entry
Hexer - Killing Time
Level 21 Chipist
post #186597 :: 2024.03.10 2:00pm
  mirageofher and argarak liēkd this
this is fun
very simple gameplay
very engaging gameplay
Good graphics
nice graphics
short music
Good music
liked the ending explosions and end screens
this gets a
Level 27 Chipist
post #186649 :: 2024.03.10 10:16pm
  argarak liēkd this
Fun, solid game. Good graphics, love the cute little aliens and the parallax effect with the stars in the background.

The ending animation is cool, and the ending music is super cool!

Note: It is possible to win just by flying in one direction and shooting. xD I think you don't get a very good score that way though.

My score: 4056.0
Level 20 Mixist
post #186664 :: 2024.03.11 1:41am
I suck/7
Level 10 Criticist
post #186674 :: 2024.03.11 4:38am
  argarak liēkd this
Simple but fun! I only got a score of 2876.0, but that's okay; Defender-esque game is good!
Level 28 Mixist
post #186681 :: 2024.03.11 6:37am
i tried to keep things simple since i didn't have as much time/energy to invest into this, it's a busy month for me heh... i put some effort into trying to balance things so that it was difficult to have a high countdown value. initially the strategy of hold up and fire was kinda overpowered but isn't as viable anymore, maybe you can still get away with it to an extent. i had a good time working on the projectile system, that's what i enjoyed the most in this game and hope to re-use and extend it later down the line.

4056.0 is a pretty impressive score! idk what my best is since i've played on so many versions of this at this point lol
Level 15 Chipist
post #186715 :: 2024.03.11 5:53pm
  argarak liēkd this
the ending music kinda slaps tbh

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