big lumby
Level 25 Grafxicist
ZX Spectrum beeper

hot chocolate 
135th Σ5.258

65th Σ5.664

29th Σ5.545

95th Σ5.375

advent pants 
46th Σ5.534

sonata for zx speaker, in a major
  60th/398   Σ27.376   Dec 15th 2020 11:36am
alternate title: "rollercoaster of a day"

0:00 - movement 1 - "awake"
the dream ends as your eyes creak open slowly from the night's sleep you've just had. you roll out of your bed and greet the similarly waking day. it's time to go to the store.

~1:03 - movement 2 - "fortune"

it's your friend's burfday. you want to get them a nice, big cake for them to stuff down your face. you're in luck! a 24-incher is in stock. you buy it and hop on your bike, eager to deliver it to your friend.

oh no a steep downward slope aaAAAAAAAAAAAA

~1:59 - movement 3 - "tragedy"

you try getting your bearings. the cake is gone; obliterated into a million smithereens. panic mode has been automatically engaged as you try to scoop up what's left of the cake.

2:23 - movement 4 - "resolve"

oh fuck, it's your friend. they happened to be strolling on the street for no reason and they happened upon you. you try to explain how they you were trying to get a cake for them and you had an accident but all can be said was "CAKE" and "BIKE" and "TREE" in between your uncontrollable sobbing.

you're friend gives you a hug. they're flattered that you'd go out of your way to get such a big cake for them! the crying stops, but the tears don't as you two hug on the grass.

it's a good day today.


as performed by the english venerable, sir spector deltheta

first time attempting a classical piece, decided to tell a story with it
also first time using 1tracker, really good tracker tho unusable at 1366x768 (at least for me)
hope you enjoy :D/

previous entry
argarak - quasispace encounter

nextious entry
Jakerson - There is no snow here
Level 25 Mixist
post #132660 :: 2020.12.15 11:43am
  sean, gotoandplay, damifortune, mirageofher and big lumby liēkd this
The tempo variations in the first section are beautiful, really adds a lot to the mood :3
Level 28 Mixist
post #132662 :: 2020.12.15 12:48pm
  big lumby liēkd this
it's so prettyyyyy
Level 31 Chipist
post #132696 :: 2020.12.16 1:34am
  OminPigeonMaster and big lumby liēkd this
this is very well done, having different movements is nothing i asked for but definitely fits the theme and adds a lot to the feeling
Level 30 Chipist
post #132746 :: 2020.12.16 11:47pm
  big lumby liēkd this
Darn Lumby, lets write a zx op. sometime :D
Level 30 Chipist
post #133341 :: 2020.12.25 6:49pm :: edit 2020.12.25 6:49pm
  big lumby liēkd this
Okay, that was epic. :D
Level 28 Chipist
post #133348 :: 2020.12.26 4:03am
  big lumby liēkd this
through-composing is definitely a strength of 1tracker. grats on the leap

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