snakes are here!
  Dec 4th 2024 8:58am
cover of fod's sapx2 song, i know. i tried to memorize it with the pce chip instead of the pokey chip.
i just didn't have any original ideas.

edit 2024-12-04:

alright, reposted the song and i actually made it original.
and it maybe fits the theme, idk.

previous entry
doopdee - taco bell season

nextious entry
arceus413 - a sn63a07 worm, dreaming about papa johns

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Level 28 Chipist
post #202857 :: 2024.12.04 8:02am
  arceus413 and Collidy liēkd this
Hi Ludvig, as commented in your profile - please remember to not submit covers for Botb entries. This is currently illegal unless you can resubmit by the end of the day. Thanks!
Level 14 Chipist
Ludvig Almquist
post #202872 :: 2024.12.04 8:59am
  blockblockblock, damifortune, kilowatt64, arceus413, Collidy and kleeder liēkd this
aight, read the description. i made it original.
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #205437 :: 2024.12.26 12:29am
glad you were able to resubmit, the main lead sound has a cool patch. overall nice keygen

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