Level 32 Chipist
post #126180 :: 2020.08.29 6:33pm
  Jetdarc and petet liēkd this
my personal fav! (aka my only 7-vote)
i really like the triangle in this.
the mix of nes and snes (or: simple waveforms and samples) works very well here!
good variation between different moods and atmospheres which represents the forest scenery perfectly.

it also doesnt felt like a "typical petet entry" to me, so this is probably a bonus point as well. i didnt guess it was you until i saw your name during results.

good job!
Level 26 Mixist
post #126183 :: 2020.08.29 6:37pm :: edit 2020.08.29 6:38pm
  petet liēkd this
A! So this is the one with 808 cowbells!

This track is something..
Gamelan, erhu
What else one needs for happiness?
Level 27 Mixist
post #126184 :: 2020.08.29 6:42pm
  mk7 and petet liēkd this
i love the way this track is a grab bag of wildchip sounds. msgs, nes, snes. 808 cowbell because why not. great track
Level 23 XHBist
post #126194 :: 2020.08.30 12:11am
  petet liēkd this
Personnal fav too. It stay interesting and surprise, but it also respect very well the theme imo. Well done!

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