I need to find a better backing sample for the vocoder at some point. Or perhaps pitch the voices beforehand and do a wet+dry mix. Still a newbie to the wonderful world of DAWs; the backing music was produced in Schism Tracker, then overlaid into an audiotrack in Reason 7 where I did the vocal bits on top. :P
Random trivia: this song sorta turned into a self-parody of sorts, with a few cliches emphasized for maximum obligatory-ness. Examples include:
- Use of the most frequently-used sampleset in Xasertracks (also used in Usability 1)
- The usual chord+doodly-melody tropes
- Random vocal-cut section for no reason
- Part where Xaser bursts out into song and immediately regrets this decision
- Syncing with aji's avatar
Only thing that's missing is A08 A04. Not sure why I didn't do this in retrospect...
Dunno if anyone cares, but there you go. :P