thanks bucketlords.
to baron, yeah i know! and they're always the shit-ass 4/4 lalala ones :P
plus they go through that thing where it's like... song start sequence, 4 sections after that stop, then solo a synth, then back to the 4 sections or a fast part.
this one originally had 3, (2 minor, one major) then back to the initial chord progression. i ended up dropping the other two cause i didn't have time to write decent drums for them, and the drums already written didn't match well enough. some of my newer stuff that i haven't put out has more change-ups though.
the reason i always end up staying with the same one is that i start each track out as a loop to setup synths and drums, then write a bunch of different parts in the same progression to a few different initial drum tracks. this is all while setting up instruments and testing them out and stuff. as it forms into a full song, i never end up wanting to get rid of all the better parts that were written at the beginning... just cause i end up liking them. they get used in their own sections throughout the song, so by the time the song's done it's all the same chords but different instruments and patterns for each section.